Corporate Learning
Platform: iOS, Android

Task: bring the company's off-line training program online, diversify the business, and offer new services to a key corporate client.

The solution should be flexible enough and convenient to ensure the customer can handle filling and further support independently - to reduce costs and increase the speed of work with materials.

To find the best solution, we started with market research

Among the key points of Mobile Micro education solutions, we highlighted typical for this sphere:

  • Industry growth fueled by smartphone availability
  • Education is getting cheaper and more affordable, the number of materials is only increasing
  • People love quick solutions, on-demand
  • Courses materials have to be adapted
Reasons for the popularity of m-learning
On-demand content
Always with you
Learning in small steps
Continuous learning

With this in mind, we offered a material that suits all of the requirements and quite familiar - cards.

They are quite straightforward to implement technically, easy to maintain. It can contain text, questionnaires, audio and video materials, tasks, etc.

This solution is also battle-tested by such major players as Google and Coursera.