
A quick mention of some other projects we've been doing.
Web / iOS / Android

The social network for the people who are fond of reading. Takes all the best from 'GoodReads' and 'getAbstract' adding emotions based book recommendation system.
Speaker's assistant
iOS / Android

Expertise in preparation for presentations, in your pocket.
My Dreams Log App
iOS / Android

App for psyche work in the area of dreams analysis, built following the requirements of professional psychologists and psychotherapists.
Mobile app for Shopify
iOS / Android

Mobile app constructor for Shopify platform.

Mobile integrator for business.
Notes sharing

App that facilitates quick notes sharing, including Bear app integration.
Self-affirmation marketplace
Web, iOS / Android

Self-development service, that is utilizing affirmative voice records and meditations to achieve one’s goals.
And much more of them..